Hawk's Gallery

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Enter the Hawk

At dawn Inquisitor Ignatius Hawk summoned Hammerhand the apprentice from his slumbers. Hawk was well known for allowing deviants a ritual defence of their weak minded works. Hawk knew that in pride men often spilled their secrets that otherwise they would defiantly carry into the cold of their grave.

Hammerhand that dawn knew his time had come too soon.

In appearance the Hawk upheld his name through his dazzling glare. More powerful men than Hammerhand had faded to spluttering traitors before Hawk's eyes. Otherwise Hawk had medium stature was spare framed with only slight a tendency to belly fat. But with powerfully muscular limbs Hawk had easily lopped appendages from more than his fair share of chaos deviants, tau lickspittles and weak minded fools that in his view threatened the Imperium.

When Hammerhand entered the chamber Hawk stood before the sole small window, almost blocking the sole source of light and air in the room. The sun's incandescent dawn blaze spilled around Hawk's spare frame outlining him in a dazzling mantle. In the gloom of the rest of the room Hammerhand made out a small table in the middle with a single low stool beside it.

"Sit." Snapped Hawk, stepping toward Hammerhand. An explosion of light filled the room as Hawk stepped forward. Blinded by flooding brightness Hammerhand fumbled his way to the stool and obediently sat.

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