Hawk's Gallery

Sunday, 16 March 2008

Tombstone Blues

“Sir, may I respectfully request that we immediately evacuate the Hulk”
“Why,” grunted Hawk to Hammerhand.
“The statistical records, err, such as they exist, demonstrate that despite the best organised efforts of the Imperium and Inquisition, Hulks have unpredictably and typically at the most inconvenient instant dematerium to the Warp.”
“Unpredictable they are like any living organism. Admittedly there are risks, but any engagement with the arch-enemy of Mankind and the Living Emperor has risk stamped on it.”
“Are the gains here worth these risk to all we have so far achieved”
“Look on it as another adventure, Hammerhand, you are young enough, why question this opportunity to seize control of a Hulk for the Inquisition and Imperium.”
“I do not question the opportunity nor do I wish my loyalty to be questioned. I am solely concerned that we will find ourselves at the mercy of the Hulk within the warp and in circumstances that releases the contained mobs of Orks and probably Tyranid Hordes.”

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