Hawk's Gallery

Friday, 11 April 2008


The skeletal remains of the gargantuan predator had the mummified remains of a naked Ork stuffed in its jaws.
“This makes no sense”, muttered Hammerhand.
“When the impossible is eliminated, whatever remains is the truth,focus on that", remarked Hawk casually.
“Captain Pilgrim, I need a review of all ships types that the fleet scanners have identified as part of this Hulk agglomerate. I also need the likely age of all known vessels and any specific identifications available from the Imperial Navy data sets”, ordered the Inquisitor.
Inquisitor Hawk was patient, cunning, secretive and remarkably intelligent as a result his chosen augmentations. If some of his orthodox puritan colleagues and associates in the Inquisition had the slightest idea of what Hawk had done inside his head he would have been declared Abominus Imperialis without hesitation particularly by the Ordo Hereticus.
“This conference is adjourned until Captain Pilgrim’s savants extract the necessary data from the imperial archives.”
Hawk left followed by his bodyguard and savant.
“What are our orders, Chaplain Arsestus?” called Sergeant Mudmilk.
Hammerhand stood even so the Red Hunters Chaplain’s bulk dominated the room. “Advance to the next bulkhead. Take samples of the beast and Ork”, ordered Hammerhand. The Chaplain stirred. Hammerhand waited for the Chaplain.

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